Hey, Things are bad in the profession right now for a lot of doctors. And they’re pretty darn good for the doctors that know this little secret and use it. You’re about to find out the secret I learned that will make you a lot of money. No kidding. What I’m about to tell you will change what you do, how you think about creating income, and how you invest your time in, no matter where you practice or live. It’s true. You can collect over a MILLION doing this ONE THING. Right now there are doctors, making a million dollars doing this one simple thing. You see what I am about to tell you, I didn’t dream up over night. I have a 15 year track record of creating chiropractic millionaires and I myself am a made-from-scratch multi-millionaire. I built one of the largest practice in the country, seeing over 1000 pv/wk collecting millions of dollars a year and have helped 1000’s of chiropractor see more patients, work less hours and make more money. But who cares right? I mean it’s not doing you any good if I’m making money, right? But this is not about me, Honestly, I don’t care what the economy does. I’m set and now I’m all about helping doctors like you MAKE MONEY. Now here’s the problem. There is a recession, and chiropractors are having problems getting patients in the door. Chiropractors are also collecting less money than ever before. And insurance reimbursement is New doctors, fresh out of school, can’t get any money to open an office or they have so much debt from going to college, they’ll never get their practice off the ground. Even seasoned Chiropractors I know are having to dip into their savings just to keep the doors open. Some are even leaving the profession to get a job. The odds are stacked against you. There are doctors making over a million dollars in this economy, doing just this, so I think you better pay attention. So you’re probably asking yourself, “So what’s the answer?” I have to tell you, the simple answer is: Weight Loss. Yeah… Weight Loss. Hard to believe, but it’s true. And doctor, don’t tell me you can’t do this. You went to college. You took the exams, you paid the price, and you made it. You have D.C. behind your name, so this is a walk in the park compared to that. "Hi Dr. Erich, Weight loss is blowing up and catching even more momentum this April! It's only the 15th of the month and I've already talked to 45 different weight loss patients and the phone just keeps ringing." - Dr. Corey "FYI hit 148K in March 2014 (while I took 5 weekdays off last month) and this month....so far 90K this month in the first 13 days... going to destroy my previous records." - Dr. N. So if you’ve tried Weight Loss before and it didn’t work, or it didn’t make you that much money, don’t worry.
Is It Really That Simple? This way of doing Weight Loss works and it’s simple. I know there are a lot of empty promises out there, and you do have to be careful where you spend your money, but you’d better pay attention to this offer if you really want to make some serious cashola. In a moment, you’ll hear from a straight chiropractor who added Weight Loss to his practice and made an additional ONE million dollars plus, and on top of that, he’s getting ALL his chiropractic patients from this one simple strategy. I want chiropractors like you to be successful, work less hours and spend more time with the people you want to spend time with, so I’m doing everything in my power to help you achieve your financial goals, as soon as possible, no matter where you’re at in your practice right now. If you’re tired of struggling, not making any money, paying yourself almost minimum wages, working too hard for what you’re doing, having no fun in practice, I am about to show you how to create your own wealth, no matter what the economy is doing, by adding this simple, easy-to-implement weight loss program to your practice. Once you have the system, I’ll show you simple ways to increase your income, and this system is so simple to use, even you can do it.
It’s simple and it’s perfected so it works like a Swiss watch, from day one. Here’s the Real Secret All you have to do is implement the weight loss system. That means TAKE ACTION, even if it’s NOT perfect. Fail fast and you’ll be more successful. And it’s been simplified to the bear necessities. It’s so brain dead simple, even a seventh grader could do it. So it really is the real deal. And that’s what’s so great about this program. And again, let me just say this clearly. You don’t have to worry where you live, where you went to school, who your competition is, or anything like that. This weight loss program is simple to use, simple to understand, patients get it, and will want it, and when they do, your income will magically increase. I've been using Erich's weightloss program for 8 months and we're on track to doing over $1 MILLION in collections on weightloss alone. I am a straight chiropractor and never imagined I'd be doing anything with weightloss....the bottom line is it helps people, it's effective, it's turn-key and anyone who doesn't do it is missing out on a huge opportunity" It can drive your office stats, no matter how big your community is, what you’ve done in the past to promote yourself, and it’ll will... almost overnight.
Let me ask you simple question. If you did a survey in the community and you asked people: “What’s more important? Chiropractic care or weight loss, what do you think they’d say?” Here’s the answer. They would say ‘weight loss’ every time. People Think They Don’t Need Chiropractic Now we as doctors know they need chiropractic but people don’t buy what they need, they buy what they WANT. That’s the number one secret that will make this program work for you. You’re going to be giving them exactly what they want. Then I’ll show you how to move them from being a weight loss patient to a chiropractic patient. "Hi Dr. Erich. That's $4,200! She is happy and she can't wait to get started with care because she has done so well with her weight loss. I couldn't have done that before the weight loss program. I hope to take this program to the next level in this next year with an online email engine and I can't wait. Thanks for all that you do! For those out there that aren't doing the 5 min ROF or the weight loss program, start NOW!" It’s all about getting them in the door.
If nobody comes in - you got nothing to sell. (and you are a salesman whether you like it or not.) I’ll even show you how to get them in the door, convert them and then make them your personal chiropractic advocates. Did you know that over 50 billion dollars are spent on weight loss every year and you should be getting a piece of that. I mean you are a doctor right? So how much money are you making ever week, just from weight loss? Unfortunately, more and more people are getting overweight and that’s NOT going to change any time soon. In fact you know it’s only going to get worse. The sad part is, even child obesity is rampant. It’s sad, but it’s happening. So there will ALWAYS be a market for you... forever to tap into. The market is there and it’s an ever growing market. Most of my successful clients are getting all their new patients from one thing during this economy. Weight Loss And once you see how I do weight loss, you’ll realize how much money you can really make, in this economy and virtually in any economy. What I share with you in my weight loss system will make you successful as a weight loss doctor, in a short amount of time if you just apply it. You’re probably asking yourself, “How can weight loss do that? I mean, I’ve tried weight loss before and every time I try it, nothing really happens.” Doctor, you won’t be focusing on things that don’t make you any money. As a businessman you only want to be focusing on what works. The things that bring patients into your office. Something that works in January and all year long. Weight loss when done correctly is a home run. This is a game changer Doctor. If you’re serious about making money, you have to do this today. And what’s even better, you won’t need any special skills other than a commitment to taking action to start making money your very first week. Doctors just like you have doubled and even tripled their income in less than 3 months. One doctor is on his way to making over a million dollars in a year, just from weight loss alone. "This last Thursday in the office we made $10,000 on just weightloss"
I’m telling you, get this system, get it right, and you’ll be ahead of everyone in your town. Most people don’t realize that MONEY is always moving, and you’ll want to be a part of where that money is moving too. There is not a lack of money, just a shift. I will show you how to put yourself in a category of ONE, so you’re the GO TO DOCTOR for weight loss. That’ll trump all the big dogs in your town, because people WANT results, and with this program you’ll give them exactly that... RESULTS !!! However, if you won’t take action when I show you the path to take with this unique, and simplified weight loss program, I can’t help you. These weight loss secrets are all about fundamental principles, principles anyone can implement. I’ve honed it over the last two years into a system that works for anyone that can take a proven system and put it out there for people to take advantage of. This simple means, you have to take action. It’s about getting in front of the RIGHT WHO. Getting in front of the people that WANT what you have. It’s all about creating an almost “magnetic” influence and getting the results YOU want. So here’s a question for you. Are you highly motivated to getting rich? Having the practice you’ve always wanted? Living the dream? Or are you working HARD right now and just getting by? Most poor chiropractors work hard. They’re great doctors, they love what they are doing, but they’re not making money. Weight loss is and always will be around, and people will always looking for the solution, so that is a solid foundation. Most of what you’ve been told, has kept you down and you don’t even know it. Look at it like this. If you’ve been given faulty directions, you’re not going to get where you want to go. This is my game changer outline for making money in chiropractic. "The weightloss is absolutely awesome. I made $10,000 in just 2 days this last week... 100% conversion... I just want to thank you Dr. Erich for introducing me to this." - Dr. Mike M. It will reward you… for doing what you’re supposed to do. It creates powerful change in even the smallest office or the smallest town. I have jump started some of the most successful people in our profession, quietly and without fanfare, and you’re no different. Today though, you’ll finally hear from some of these doctors. This is your opportunity doctor.
I’m paid up to $45,000 for this information every year, by a number of my private clients and this will be a game changer for you. I’ve never presented information like this before. It should never be about the money, but how you make it and how you go to sleep at night. If you want to be in control of your office, you’re going to love what you are about to learn. This is not hype. A smart marketer once said, “Always look at what everyone is doing, then do the opposite.” I’ve been told that sheep don’t own limousines, or own nice homes, or have a lot of money in the bank. I know what is hot and what is not. I’m not trendy, I just know what works and weight loss, when done right, --- WORKS. What I have waiting for you has stood the ultimate test and it’s ready for you. This UNIQUE, NEW, Weight Loss system is If you want to make the kind of money doctors are making right now, you have one simple action to take. If you’re ready to change your life, and your practice, read what these doctors are saying. “In the first month doing weight loss in my practice I made $15,500 can’t wait to really ramp this up.” - Dr. John R. "We just started doing weightloss, did a free workshop... had 12 people pay for a $47 consultation, 10 of those actually bought the program and prepaid cash - we collected over $10,000 in 2 days just on weightloss. Some of those converted into chiropractic patients, prepaid those as well - so not only are we making more moneyin weightloss, it's a great marketing tool just to get more traffic through the door for our chiropractic programs." "My husband and I tried the program first and we lost 50 pounds, with amazing energy and we feel great! Now our patients are using it and everyone is loosing weight, their happy, getting healthier - it's a really great addition to our practice" - Dr. Richelle K. "New patients coming in for chiropractic from the weightloss, generating a lot more income... patients are loving it!" - Dr. Matthew M. Well if that doesn’t get you excited I don’t know what will. You see I get excited when I hear doctors taking action and making lots of money and helping people. I know some of you heard it all, know it all. Well this is not for you then. I am only interesting in sharing this with the doctors who have a burning desire to succeed and WANT to help people and make a great living at it. As you heard from these doctors this is not just about making money but helping people. Once you implement this system, you’ll get plenty of new patients for your chiropractic practice as well. Some of these doctors only do weight loss marketing which fills their chiropractic office with chiropractic patients. I call it the “back door” approach to chiropractic. In fact I’ll show you how to convert over 50% of these weight loss patients into chiropractic patients, that’s the easy part. So let me show you what’s unique about my Weight Loss program First of all, the way we help patients lose a pound a day is completely different from anything you have ever seen. No, it’s not the ideal protein diet, it’s not another multilevel marketing company, it’s not HCG, It’s not another exercise program. In fact, no exercise it required for this program to work. NONE. ZERO. NADA. It’s not another magic supplement and it’s not meal replacement either. And it works so fast that patients literally lose 1-2 pounds a day, safely and effectively, and there is nothing for them to compare it to. Let me tell you why that’s important. You see if they can compare what you are doing with weight loss to anything else out there, you are no longer unique, and now you have to sell on price. Not good. But because they can’t compare this one-of-a-kind weight loss program to anything else, you can pretty much charge what you want. I have doctors charging anywhere from $1,597 to $2,597 and that’s still less than what patients pay for other programs like Jenny Craig, Weight watcher, etc. where it takes them 6 months or longer to lose 30 pounds. We do it in 30 days. And this program is so effective, we can guarantee it. I even show you a neat little trick in the Weight Loss ROF how to remove “sticker shock” right up front. Oh by the way, just in case you didn’t know this, my weight loss ROF takes less than 5 minutes, so you don’t spend all day explaining this to patients. Listen, they don’t care about what you think they care about. Stop trying to SELL your weight loss. Tell them what they need to know, tell them the prices, and then stop talking. The doctor in the video who is doing over a million his first year doing Weight Loss told me, he only had to add 3 hours to his work week to make that extra million. How would you like to work an EXTRA Sounds good to me. How about you? This MAKE A MILLION Weight Loss system is a complete, no holds barred, turn key weight loss system. Everything you need is in the system that you’ll need to get this started. The how to, the components, the marketing, the ROF, the finances, other doctors showing you how they are implementing it, everything is included. It’s so simple your staff can even do everything. In fact we have members who have their staff doing everything. You can set this up so you don’t even have to be there. If you are ready to start making $1,500-2,500 per case and get a huge return on your investment, go directly to the order form. If you are tired of not making money in practice, you have to have this system. If are not getting enough new patients in your office every month and not living the life you dreamt about in chiropractic school, click on the link on the video and it will take you to my $1,000,000.00 DollarWeight Loss Kit. This will be the easiest thing you have ever done to generate patients, and cash quick. Click this link now so you too can start making money and enjoy practice and your life again. Everything you need to get this up and running is in the kit. It’s a turn key system that any sane doctor would want to have and works and will make you money fast. It’s all up to you now. Don’t be left behind. But don’t do the unforgettable. Don’t wait til your competition finds out about this and trumps you. You deserve to be wealthy and I am giving you a proven system that works, is simple to implement and BEST of all, gets you the results you want. As a BONUS, it even comes with coaching and continuous training, so there will be NO questions left unanswered on your part. I am looking forward to helping you implement this simple yet powerful weight loss program in your practice, so you can start helping more people lose weight, and make more money next week. Thanks for your time. Dr. Erich Copyright © 2017 Practice Wealth Ltd, Erich Breitenmoser and www.practicewealth.com are registered trademarks of Practice Wealth Ltd. All rights reserved. Except for public domain material and electronic messages, all materials on any site owned by Dr. Erich Breitenmoser/Practice Wealth Ltd are protected by Federal copyright and are protected under treaty provisions and worldwide copyright laws. Materials contained in any part of this website may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without the written permission of Practice Wealth Ltd Except as expressly stated in the Limited License provision in these Terms of Use, Practice Wealth Ltd does not grant any express or implied right to you under any of his trademarks, service marks, copyrights or other proprietary information. Privacy Policy, Earnings & Income Disclaimers, Warranties, Disclaimer and Legal Rights |